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How to completely Dispose of Old Computers in 7 Easy Steps

Personal computers have become a constant tool in the lives of both individuals and enterprises. According to a report by Gartner, over 290 million computers were shipped to buyers globally..

What To Do With Old Hard Drive

What to Do with Old Hard Drives That You’re Tired of Keeping

Hard drives are an important part of most electronic devices especially computers and mobile phones. On average, each one lasts about 2 to 5 years according to a report by..

Exposed 10 Surprising E-waste Facts You Didn't Know Banner

Exposed! 10 Surprising E-Waste Facts You Didn’t Know

E-Waste is one of the fastest growing types of waste, both in the United States and globally. The current electronics recycling efforts by the ITAD industry are simply no match..

Dispose Of Old Computers Right Way And Wrong Way - AGR

There’s A Right and A Wrong Way to Dispose of Old Computers

Computers, laptops, tablets, cell phones, e-readers: Americans can’t get enough of technology. Technology is developing at an almost unbelievable rate, and we are eager to jump on each new device..

Risk Management With IT Asset Disposition Services Image - AGR

More Than Risk Management With Secure IT Asset Disposition Services

An IT asset management plan dictates how IT assets are to be handled throughout their useful life and mandates the..

Environmental And Economic Imperative For Recycling Computers Image - AGR

The Environmental And Economic Imperative For Recycling Computers

What a difference two decades can make! It was less than twenty years ago that computers were sometimes a luxury..

The Top Recycling Programs In The US For 2017 Image - AGR

The Top Recycling Programs In The U.S. for 2017

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, Americans produce over 200 million tons of trash annually. Out of this, 75% is recyclable yet we only recycle, through recycling programs, about..

electronics recycling

Types Of Electronic Recycling

Did you know only about 10 percent of cell phones get recycled? Sure, recycling has become a part of our everyday lives, with catchphrases such as “reduce, reuse, recycle” fast..

Basel Action Network Article Summary Image - AGR

Basel Action Network Article Summary

The proliferation of electronic devices during the 1990s created a hazardous waste epidemic within the United States. In 1997, a 501(c)3 charitable organization formed to combat the growing public health..

Recycle Electronics

5 Reasons To Recycle Electronics

Gadgets are a trend that never goes out of style. Every month new models of cellphones, laptops and other electronic devices flood the news and attract consumers. People become so..


Federal Government’s Green Initiative Challenge Program Sees Success

As an exercise aimed at promoting environmental awareness and the beneficial effects of electronic product recycling, the United States Environmental Protection Agency launched the Federal Green Challenge program to all..


EPA Hails E-Recycling Progress and Opportunities to Improve

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a report showing progress in e-recycling (electronic waste recycling) on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 in Washington D.C. Additionally, EPA representatives identified opportunities for..