all green

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How much do you recycle?

Credit: Infographics Showcase Did you know that the average person throws away 7 1/2 times their body weight each year? Shocking. We want to know: What items do you recycle?..

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The Facts About Bottled Water

We all know that bottled water is bad for the environment. But do you know why it’s bad? Plastic bottles contribute to waste in landfills. Did you know that only..

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Inside the Stomach of a Grey Whale

This story is quite disturbing. A stranded whale had passed away on the shore of West Seattle. Marine biologist and other scientists explored the cause of death for the whale. In..

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How 16 ships create as much pollution as all the cars in the world

It’s mind boggling that 16 mega-freighters create as much pollution as all the cars in the world. That’s exactly what is being shown by award-winning science writer Fred Pearce, who is also..